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What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is derived from two words “Ayu” means life and “Veda” means science. Ayurveda in literal sense therefore is science of life.

How is it different from Other Medical Sciences?

The main objective of Ayurveda is to develop an individual’s own immune system to such a degree that body becomes its own best medicine fighting diseases before disease could take serious hold. It is more of a Preventive Science of Medicine.
Can there be any side effects?
There can not be any side effects since the herbs used are well tried tested several centuries ago and those which had adverse side effects are eliminated thereby making Ayurveda a safe and patient friendly medicinal science.
It is generally believed that Ayurvedic medicines are slow to react and hence it takes quite long time to recover?
It is a wrong notion. In many situation it is exactly contrary. In Ayurveda, the speed with which you can recover from hepatitis B (Jaundice) are much faster than by traditional allopathic medicine. Just as toxins that accumulate in human body take a long time to manifest as some disease, removal of such toxins totally(Prevention being the emphasis of Ayurveda) is practically impossible and is therefore time consuming.
Does Ayurveda advocate vegetarianism ?
According to Ayurveda, if you are doing heavy work, then you can have Rajasik Diet(Containing Meat etc.) Satvik Diet which consists of leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, milk, curd , butter, honey etc. along with moderate physical exercise and regular practice of Yoga help one to maintain good health
Are the clinical studies / trials undertaken?
Yes, between 100 AD to 400 AD Charaka’s team undertook clinical trials and the results were noted down. All the medicinal herbs which had side-effects were eliminated from the list and only those which did not have any side effects were retained for use in Ayurveda.

What is Vibha?

VIBHA is a multifaceted company under a group of internationally reputed agricultural scientists, top grade management professionals with more than 30 years of experience.
Keeping in mind the need to propagate the intrinsic values of Ayurveda – the team of professionals at Vibha have dedicated themselves to synergise the ancient science with state of the art modern technology to bring out 100% natural hair, body care and health care products.
1) What is being done at Vibha?
— Plantation of Medicinal Herbs
— Research on Herbal Products.
— Processing and manufacturing of herbal products.
— Export of herbal products.
2) What is so special about Vibha?
— All products are 100% natural.
— Produced by “Cold Extraction Process” thereby preserving all vital ingredients.
— Most of the herbs used in products are grown in our own farms.

Kuntala Ayurved Hair Oil

1) Can you tell us something about Kuntala Hair Oil?
– Yes, this oil is a herbal preparation made form nine distinguished herbs. It is based on ancient herbal recipe, and is made by most advanced manufacturing technique. It is made from 100% natural herbs and is rich in vitamins.
2) Can you brief us on hair and hair care?
– A normal human scalp has between 1 lakh to 1 lakh twenty thousand hair. Every day about 50-70 hair fall and an equivalent number of hair grow.
3) How does it help?
– Regular usage helps to overcome baldness. It stops fall of hair. It helps to prevent dandruff, cures ringworm and eczema. It also helps in promoting thick hair growth and results in healthy and strong hair.
4) How to use and how often to use?
– Regular usage helps to overcome baldness. It stops fall of hair. It helps to prevent dandruff, cures ringworm and eczema. It also helps in promoting thick hair growth and results in healthy and strong hair.
5) When to use?
– The oil should ideally be applied at night and washed off the next day morning preferably by using Kuntala Herbal Shampoo.
6) Will it stop fall of hair?
– Kuntala Hair Oil contains 3 gms. Of Amla which is rich in Vitamin C which strengthens roots of hair thereby reducing fall of hair and giving it more luster.
7) Can it help premature graying of hair?
– Yes, it contains Bringaraj which activates Melanin generating cells thereby ensuring that new hair which come out are black.
8) Who can use it?
– Men, women and children of all ages can use it.
9) What are the major ingredients?
– The major ingredients are: Amla, Brahmi, Bhringaraj, Henna, Neem Oil, Kapurkachli etc.
10)What are the functions of these ingredients?
Amla (Emblica officinalis) : Is rich in vitamin C. Each amla contains about 600mgms of vitamin C. Vitamin C strengthens the roots of hair.
Brahmi (Cenlella asiatica) : It induces good sleep, lowers the stress, it has great cooling effect.
Bhringaraj (Eclipta alba) : It helps to overcome the premature graying of hair by activating Melanin generating cells.
Henna : In addition to its use as a decorative ingredient, it is an excellent Fungicide. Regular use of henna prevents fungus on scalp and the consequent fall of hair.
Neem Oil :Neem oil is an excellent insecticide and bactericide. It helps therefore in eliminating dandruff, eczema and lice.

What is being done at Vibha?

— Plantation of Medicinal Herbs
— Research on Herbal Products.
— Processing and manufacturing of herbal products.
— Export of herbal products.

What is so special about Vibha?

— All products are 100% natural.
— Produced by “Cold Extraction Process” thereby preserving all vital ingredients.
— Most of the herbs used in products are grown in our own farms.

Laf Taf Massage Oil?

1) What is massage and why it is done?
– Since ancient times, body massage is done to enhance the beauty, to get relief from fatigue, to keep the body supple and to keep the vigour of youth.
2) What are the benefits of massage?
— It gets rid of stiffness, soreness of muscles and keeps body healthy.
— It increases blood supply, stimulates nerves and toughens the muscles.
— It tones up the person externally and maintains the respiration.
3) What is LAF TAF Herbal Massage Oil ?
— This massage oil which is 100% herbal is made from two ingredients : Jyotishmati – Celastrus panniculata and Sesame oil. Jyotishmati oil which extracted from the seeds by cold extraction process contains – oleum nigrum which is empyrheumatic oil. It is rubifacient, stimulant and nervine. It stimulates intellect and sharpen memory.
4) Can it help in rheumatism?
— Yes, it helps in relieving rheumatic pains and it is a nervine tonic. It also helps in arthritis if it is in initial stages. Regular use for three months could help overcome rheumatism if it is in initial stages.
5) How to use?
— Apply the oil gently to the affected part of the body. Allow it to dry. Hot fomentation with hot water bag or even hot air from hair dryer would help to a great extent. Early morning exposure of affected part to sunlight after application of oil also helps.
6) How often to use?
— In case of rheumatism, continuous use for three months would certainly help to overcome the problem. The oil is also ideal for normal massage after a tiresome day to relaxed.
7) Can it be used to improve memory?
Yes, if applied regularly to the neck, it helps in improving memory. In ancient times, this herb was also known as Magz Shuddhi or Brain Cleanser.
8) Can it be used for regular body massage before bath?
Yes, certainly. It makes body supple and active.
9) Why does it have red colour?
— The red colour is the natural colour of the fruits / seeds of Jyotishmati. It is a fast colour and clothes could get this colour. However, colour disappears on exposure to direct sunlight.

Kuntala Herbal Hair Treatment Formula

1) What is Kuntala Herbal Hair Treatment Formula?
— It is (A Herbal Shampoo) which is based on ancient herbal recipe which is at least a few thousand years old.
2) What are the benefits of Kuntala Herbal Shampoo?
— It makes hair clean, soft and silky and makes hair strong healthy and lustrous.
3) How often to use?
— Kuntala Herbal Shampoo could be used every time that one takes bath.
4) Does it have any side effects?
— No. It is 100% herbal and there are no side effects.
5) Do the hair become dry and grassy?
— No. The hair do not get effected at all. What really happens is all the oil and dirt gets thoroughly washed off from the outer surface of hair and hence hair look dry momentarily. Within a short time the natural oil renders it soft and silky.

VALEENA ‘P’- Anti Pimple Face Pack

1) Does it really eliminate pimples?
— Yes. Regular use for 5 days eliminates the pimple. However they may appear after 2-3 months depending upon food habits and movements in hot sun.
2) How to apply?
— Wash the face with herbal soap – dry – Make a thick paste with warm water and apply it gently to the affected part.
3) How often to apply?
— Every day for five days.
4) How long to keep?
— Allow the paste to dry and keep it for one hour. There after wash it off with water or a wet cotton ball.
5) Can paste be made in curd or milk?
— In winter, it is ideal to make the paste in milk (skimmed) or in curd and apply.

VALEENA W – Anti Wrinkle Face Pack

1) Does it really eliminate wrinkles
— Yes, the wrinkles are culmination of dead cells which require to be eliminated. Regular use of Valeena W helps substantially to eliminate the wrinkles.
2) How to apply?
— Wash the face with herbal soap – dry – Make a thick paste with arm water and apply it gently to the affected part.
3) How often to apply?
— Every day for five days.
4) How long to keep?
— Allow the paste to dry and keep it for one hour. There after wash it off with water or a wet cotton ball.
5) Can paste be made in curd or milk?
— In winter, it is ideal to make the paste in milk (skimmed) or in curd and apply.

TERONEEM-Herbal Tea against Diabetes

1) How Teroneem controls blood sugar level?
— Teroneem has insulin mimetic action which helps in regulating blood sugar level. The other actions of Teroneem help the body system by increasing conversion of pro-insulin in to insulin and by increasing glucose up take by the cells.
2) Does Teroneem cause hypoglycemia?
— Unlike synthetic oral hypoglycemic drugs, Teroneem does not cause hypoglycemia.(lowering of blood sugar below normal desired levels).
3) Is Teroneem safe for long term use?
— Yes. Teroneem can be taken over very long periods.
4) Can Teroneem be taken with other drugs?
— Yes, when taken with synthetic oral hypoglycemic drugs, Teroneem helps in reduction of their dose. It is important to know that the side effects and toxicity of synthetic anti-diabetic drugs is related to dosage.
5) What is the unique feature of Teroneem?
— Teroneem acts on the whole body. Diabetics on Teroneem find themselves more fit , feel an improvement and experience better quality of life.